Website Redesign Services That Work Wonders For Your Business Website Design In NZ

Explore how we can fortify your website with your desired features and technologies to achieve stellar growth.

Breathtaking & Extraordinary: Bringing Your Ideas To Life With Intriguing Website Redesign

When given 15 minutes to read the content, 66% of consumers prefer to read something elegantly designed over plain text. People are visually drawn to a beautiful, functional website; therefore, investing in a website redesign business that can deliver is critical.

With our website redesign services, you can create a stunning site that generates cash. Utilise our in-house design and development team, as well as our proprietary revenue acceleration technology, to optimise the return on investment (ROI) of your newly redesigned website.

The Tech Tales is your go-to agency for website redesign, digital marketing, and online applications and is based in New Zealand. Our team of designers, developers, and analysts are leaders in their fields and possess 25 years of consolidated experience.

Each of our services is led by a team leader and supported by a group of competent website developers and designers. We want to do more than simply construct your website; we want to help you develop your business

Website Redesign That Not Only Sustains The Future, But Builds It

Is your current website preventing you from achieving your online marketing goals?

You need an exceptional website redesign agency that can produce extraordinary outcomes for your company's website, whether you want greater functionality, a better user experience (UX), or a more sophisticated appearance.

Working with The Tech Tales on your website’s makeover will provide you with the following advantages:

  • A one-of-a-kind, user-friendly website intended to convert more people into clients.
  • Our award-winning, cutting-edge design team has generated a wide range of design prototypes that are far from standard
  • You can be confident that an up-to-date, conversion-focused website will help your internet marketing efforts
  • Complete web redesign services, as well as year-round website maintenance and updates
  • Search engine optimisation and content analysis
  • Optional website makeover during yearly renewal
  • Analysis of existing and refurbished websites' conversion and usability
  • We redesign websites with search in mind. This means that not only do the sites we create look great, but they also rank higher in search results, appear in more keyword searches, and earn larger returns on investment
  • Our website designs are also forward-compatible, meaning they will function properly on all future browsers and devices

Our Approach To Experience-Tested Website Redesign

We take a different approach to every client that chooses to work with us, ensuring you get a professional website redesign that is specific to your brand, not one that comes from a template (unless you’re selecting our rapid 30-day web design services, which do operate on a template).

Whether you’re looking for a custom redesign for your roofing company or online eCommerce store, our award-winning designers and developers can build a site that captures your brand and your audience, as well as achieves your goals for driving leads and revenue.

  • Evaluation

    It is critical to assess your present website pages to determine whether the material should be retained, updated, or eliminated. Determine what is and isn't working. Determine the strengths and weaknesses of your present website and compare it to your current metrics and analytics data. To begin, use Google Analytics. This Google Analytics guide will teach you how to set up, install, and understand data.

  • Establishing Goals

    Determine your objectives and how you envision the ultimate product. Are you seeking for a more professional website, or do you want more leads and sales? Whatever your objectives are, you must be crystal clear in order to develop a website redesign plan that suits your needs.

  • Develop a Strategy

    Following that, your website redesign team will establish a strategy for accomplishing your goals based on your requirements. If you just want to project a more professional image, research rivals' websites as well as websites you enjoy outside your business to get a better sense of the look and feel you want. Identify your content requirements and develop a content plan for your website that meets the pain points and educational needs of your target audience. You should also ensure that content is presented in an engaging manner that is strategically placed to enhance engagement and conversions. If you want to produce leads, your team will find lead generation strategies like pay per click, SEO, email marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, TV, radio, and event marketing to assist you meet your objectives. This stage outlines a strategy to assist you reach your objective

  • Determine Your Needs

    Deliverables required to successfully complete the website redesign are developed and allocated to stakeholders for delivery based on your aims. For instance, Content, Graphics, Brand Brief, and so on.

  • Put your plan into action

    Here, your crew goes to work putting everything together. At this stage, you will provide comments on sitemaps, wireframes, mockups, and so on. Any required changes are made to expedite the process.

  • Review and release

    Testing the newly designed website is the final step in the website redesign process. At this point, you test the website to check that it is functional, error-free, that the forms work, and, most importantly, that it functions fluidly across all browsers and devices. Sign off on the website launch if everything is in order.

  • With all of the changes being made, a website makeover might be intimidating. However, at the conclusion of this step-by-step process, you are certain to have a website that you will enjoy!

Upcycling Your Website Design Into A Remarkable Portal: What Is Included In Our Website Redesign Services

  • Website Redesign

    All of our professional website redesigns feature a responsive design, which ensures that your website looks great on all platforms, from smartphones to tablets to laptops. You don't need to bother with establishing a separate "mobile website" with a responsive design. It's easy and convenient.

  • There are no hidden costs

    There will be no hidden fees for your website makeover firm. We provide our clients with clear pricing, so you can easily understand where your money is going. The transparency is the same whether you're trying to upgrade the appearance of your e-commerce website or your enterprise's site.

  • Individualised web design

    Our website redesign approach is centred on a unique design tailored to your company. We take into account your target audience, the way your logo looks, and your professional website goals to make a site that shows who you are and makes you more visible online.

  • Professional website copywriting services

    We also offer website copywriting for your company's website. Our in-house copywriters create optimal content for your site that is consistent with your brand, corporate goals, web marketing approach, and freshly created website.

  • Integration of CMS

    To create and share material with your visitors, your company, like others, undoubtedly employs a content management system (CMS) like WordPress. We assist you in making the most of the appearance and functionality of your blog by adding CMS integration as part of our redesign process and services.

    and much more….

  • As a leading website redesign firm, we offer a one-stop shop for the website makeover process. As a result, our services extend beyond design and content to include search engine optimization, database integration, e-commerce capabilities, and other features.